Its 2.42 am by my lappy watch...sleeping n blogging...but events in past 1 hour just gave a bit of push to my adrenaline to do this write up...
Harbhajan Singh and Ashish Nehra had taken India to a miraculous win...and some facebook and twitter updates were not a BIIIIIIGGGGGG deal...
But as soon as i was about to switch off my laptop...i felt mild tremors of eartquake..the iron door of my house and so of other houses in the vicinity were shaking badly n i just came running out of the this cold....called up home and made my parents a bit cautious about the events...
Now..i came back inside..switched on the laptop n opened google to search some news abt present eartquake...there was no media coverage as of now abt the earthquake...though on google..a real-time twitter update tool runs which keeps track of all the updates coming...n sec after sec...earthquake updates were there...i opened fb...n almost deja vu was hpng there...frens were updating earthquake-earthquake...
SO that's the magic of Social Networking in this age....It has given a new meaning to our virtual world...that connects can't expect any media coverage as such as social networking does...we ourselves are the this world of netizens...Twitter n fb are the tools of the day where one can speak his words or pour his shit freely...
A page-3 article of actress Konkana Sen came in this regard...guess, i m not that filmi buff but still this news has some connection here...The actress was facing trouble with her Tata Sky connection from past 3 days...n after being fed up she tweeted... her sigh remarks about Tata Sky on her twitter of her fans was following her updates on Twitter updates and he turned out to be someone from Tata Sky only...he got it fixed in 2 hours....
Same goes with our former Minister of state Shashi Tharoor..He had got some Norton Antivirus product but its authorisation key was n't working...he also put his sigh comments about Norton on twitter..n within same day..the problem was resolved by Norton engineer....
Social Networking---may become an addiction..but if we use it judiciously and for changing will turn to be a bliss...Its a new age thing which has shrunk us into Global Village...connected by our gadgets n posting n tweeting ourselves on the global 'wall' n twitter's 'notice board'....we all compaining, crying or laughing..all with those virtual social tools...Social Networking rocks...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Indian railways and its ways....

Indians and Indian Railways are having one thing in common- their size..Both are so populised..Indian railways being 4th largest rail network of world and 2nd largest public sector employer in whole world...and about Indian population...has a world rank of 2nd in terms of numbers(will be 1st in 2035)...
Indians have a distinct behaviour when they have anything to do at railway station- take travelling in train, dropping their relatives, their eating n toilet habits..everything...
Taking a dig on travelling...Indians or say....we are always particular about one thing..that our luggage should always be placed in the space over our head...Counting through my travel experiences, i have always seen people arguing, fighting for some 0.5 by 0.5 ft luggage space..adjusting or throwing away other passenger's luggage..and adjust their luggage like putting their baby comfortably in a pram....if the space over-head falls short, they will keep the luggage near their seat in between the trammelled ways to move...and more the size of person, more will be his luggage...Railways should introduce separate luggage coaches in the passenger promote peace and luggage-passenger integrity in the trains...
Relatives who come at railway-stations to drop their near-dear ones form another exciting class of travellers...As soon as the train comes...the relatives along with passenger who is the real one to travel..get ready to do a high jump towards the train...After making the passsenger comfortable and exchanging a final warmth feeling with him, they try to move towards the exit door of the wagon..pushing n pulling other passengers out of their way...though, most of the times they will deboard somehow..but in many chaotic cases, relatives also become part of the extra luggage of the passenger...and giving some extra revenue to the railways in terms of fine...You can't take this risk in newly introduced trains-Durronto express...because it has no other stoppages in between and you will straight reach your destination..along with the extra set of your relatives...
Eating and Toilet habbits are other prominent look-at points at railway stations and trains...Railways lines not only serve as the lifelines of the country but also the toilet-lines..As 40% of population of India still does n't has access to toilets...they consider to put everything out of them on railway mug of water along will be handy for cleaning...all done under open skies..even the birds flying above feel embarrased and consider themselves more civilised then Indian humans...Eating habits of travellers also depends on their origin...Southies will feed on Idli,vada, sambhar...Northies will feed heavily on paranthas and tea...and all waste then thrown on railway lines....and no one bothers as it all has to be taken out on raliway tracks only..either by puking or shiting...
Railway stations too form a mini-India in itself...especially the New Delhi Railway Station(NDLS) n Mumbai's station...People from all origins..all 28 states n 7 UTs can be found moving here...doctors, beggars, teachers, students, engineers, govt. babus, peasents, workers..all professions.......hindus, christians, sikhs, parsis, muslims..all religions n castes..evryone can be found on NDLS...anyone can hardly disagree...its an example in itself of the place of national harmony n peace.....
Railways are having a whole ecosystem in itself..n we need to improve our travelling n living habits to make this ecosystem more livable and adaptable...Long live Indian railways!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Urbanised and rich India..but rural and gareeb bharat..
I read a report on Urbanising India today-published by Mckinsey. The facts and figures provided were quite astounding but it was a reality of the new vibrant and developing India...By 2030,590 million of Indian hoi polloi(people).. will be living in cities...twice that of poulation of USA...and one of Indian states to show this trait will be our own Punjab..where more people will be migrating from their villages or in desi language..their pinds to cities...Its very nice and lofty in way to think about that future..considering yourself as part of many Indian Urbanites...but as conditions are add more chaos and mayhems to your urbanite dreams because its going to be a harsh relaity rather then a fantastic truth...
Indians are not fit, character wise to live like people in US or China or Europe..or name any beautiful landscape you think off...Corruption, over population,price rise, lack of infrastructure, health problems have already marred India...and by next decade, these problems will be infecting our roots..our next generation will be cursing us....Lets start with the data below
India just spends 0.2 % of its GDP on health and that too 78% of the health budget has to be borne by us privately...20% of rural population never care to go to a doctor....there is just 1 hospital bed for 1000 people...what you can expect now in 2030 ??it will be nice for us to start saving now for your health or buy a health insurance!!
Infrastructure is lacking like anything...though we have not so world class cities today and take pride in Delhi's roads, its metro...n in our Mumbai-city of dreams..but the cities have already reached to their peaks....and living there is just like filling an over-flowing pot..we have our IT hubs today like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune. Gurgaon to name few...some of them are already developed n some of them are developing..but at such a slow pace...that you will find yourself in queue on the very first day of their use...may never get a chance to use the infrastructire...beacuse high density of people depending on it...
Problem of Price rise viz. of vegetables, milk and other FMCGs...things that are of daily use and vital necessaity for a common Indian has put a burden on our pockets...the problem has attained such a horrendous shape..that even govt. is feeling helpless now on to how control this menace...Food inflation is at its peak since last 2 years....same with petrol prices....these things are becoming as precious as gold today.....Montek Singh Ahluwalia says that price rise is a symbol of India's prosperity in terms of our spending power.....but he does n't see the fact that spending is increasing because everything is priced at such astronomical numbers that even one month's salary will fall short to compensate the spending...
Corruption to the tune of Rs 20 lakh crores has led to our free-fall to bottom of Global Corruption we are compared with the likes of those poorest of poor African countries where people fight or bribe officials for 2 meals of scam or the other takes our notice....and we start cursing our polity and bureaucrats...Such money if spent on development of infrastructure, providing relief to poor could have done wonders till now but its all doing wonders in the coffers of those babus who have sucked up this money like highly starved termites...
Everyday, every common someway or the other....faces these problems....gets harrased...and then after just cursing the bad people..we sleep to again get harassed the next day...those whom we take as responsible, show their chalta hai attitude and leave the people in unending misery...
Its all our take things in our hands now...and eradicate these problems...promote those people to administrative posts who owe their responsibilty to us to change our lives and make them livable...who can earn our daily praise instead of curses of daily harrassment....A massive change in our chalta hai character has to be infused form inside all of be more practical and stop being ingenuous..about our surroundings.....If we can walk the path of this change with strictist possible adherence to the rules...we can definitely have a comfortable future for our kids...for ourselves..for everyone..
Indians are not fit, character wise to live like people in US or China or Europe..or name any beautiful landscape you think off...Corruption, over population,price rise, lack of infrastructure, health problems have already marred India...and by next decade, these problems will be infecting our roots..our next generation will be cursing us....Lets start with the data below
India just spends 0.2 % of its GDP on health and that too 78% of the health budget has to be borne by us privately...20% of rural population never care to go to a doctor....there is just 1 hospital bed for 1000 people...what you can expect now in 2030 ??it will be nice for us to start saving now for your health or buy a health insurance!!
Infrastructure is lacking like anything...though we have not so world class cities today and take pride in Delhi's roads, its metro...n in our Mumbai-city of dreams..but the cities have already reached to their peaks....and living there is just like filling an over-flowing pot..we have our IT hubs today like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune. Gurgaon to name few...some of them are already developed n some of them are developing..but at such a slow pace...that you will find yourself in queue on the very first day of their use...may never get a chance to use the infrastructire...beacuse high density of people depending on it...
Problem of Price rise viz. of vegetables, milk and other FMCGs...things that are of daily use and vital necessaity for a common Indian has put a burden on our pockets...the problem has attained such a horrendous shape..that even govt. is feeling helpless now on to how control this menace...Food inflation is at its peak since last 2 years....same with petrol prices....these things are becoming as precious as gold today.....Montek Singh Ahluwalia says that price rise is a symbol of India's prosperity in terms of our spending power.....but he does n't see the fact that spending is increasing because everything is priced at such astronomical numbers that even one month's salary will fall short to compensate the spending...
Corruption to the tune of Rs 20 lakh crores has led to our free-fall to bottom of Global Corruption we are compared with the likes of those poorest of poor African countries where people fight or bribe officials for 2 meals of scam or the other takes our notice....and we start cursing our polity and bureaucrats...Such money if spent on development of infrastructure, providing relief to poor could have done wonders till now but its all doing wonders in the coffers of those babus who have sucked up this money like highly starved termites...
Everyday, every common someway or the other....faces these problems....gets harrased...and then after just cursing the bad people..we sleep to again get harassed the next day...those whom we take as responsible, show their chalta hai attitude and leave the people in unending misery...
Its all our take things in our hands now...and eradicate these problems...promote those people to administrative posts who owe their responsibilty to us to change our lives and make them livable...who can earn our daily praise instead of curses of daily harrassment....A massive change in our chalta hai character has to be infused form inside all of be more practical and stop being ingenuous..about our surroundings.....If we can walk the path of this change with strictist possible adherence to the rules...we can definitely have a comfortable future for our kids...for ourselves..for everyone..
Thursday, January 13, 2011
a first of 2011...
First Blog of the new year....a new decade and that too after a long nice 6 months gap.....that hindi adage holds true here now....daer aaye durust aaye or sham ka bhula agar ghar wapis aa jaye, usse bhula nai kehte...(is this adage right??)...anywz...I am also at my home sweet home celebrate special ocassions of Lohri n my Pa's 52nd birthday...though I couldn't give him any nice gift this time due to that thing....but will definitely give smthng big next year....
The journey(Noida-> chandigarh) had been quite foggy today....I got the first taste of Delhi's cold by driving bike at 6 am to catch that first metro to kashmiri gate...At Yamuna bank station...6 female CRPF personnel boarded the train...all glued up to radio's early morning broadcast or talking to their bfs/ seeing them, I just got the true feeling of women getting their lost respect in India..Their faces..showing all light of confidence and zeal to serve the country was enough to give a tight slap to any man who still has those chauvanistic thoughts against womens' freedom...
After reaching Kashmiri stomach had started playing orchestra to feed the rats running inside....So i had to gulp some sandwiches and gave a 100 rupee note but he was short of instead i told him to give me one water bottle and rest of the change... n here came the monetry loss of the day...i hurriedly put the change in my purse and scurried away to catch the 7.15 am bus...leaving bottle with him...sob sob....
Rest of the journey had been good....had a nice sleep for next 2 hours..thanx to last night's 4 hrs sleep, the bus's blower and the fog...i wish i could have brought my blanket along...But this time....the bus driver did some nice thing..he stopped the bus at the Haveli in Karnal..instead of their usual stoppage(some restaurent of Punjab transport dept....where an omelette costs Rs 70 and a burger costs Rs 90...)....Though my tummy was full...and rats were at i did't seek any refreshment but it was a nice place to do some quick put them on fb...The Haveli is a nice place with an aroma of Punjab in its its surroundings
Finally reached home after 6 hrs of long journey...had a nice feel to see all the smiling faces of near and dear ones..and then made most of the day with celebrations at home and doing the office work....
Today's blog post is lacking the flow of my disticntive writing style and may seem for that!!
God bless everyone...Adios!
The journey(Noida-> chandigarh) had been quite foggy today....I got the first taste of Delhi's cold by driving bike at 6 am to catch that first metro to kashmiri gate...At Yamuna bank station...6 female CRPF personnel boarded the train...all glued up to radio's early morning broadcast or talking to their bfs/ seeing them, I just got the true feeling of women getting their lost respect in India..Their faces..showing all light of confidence and zeal to serve the country was enough to give a tight slap to any man who still has those chauvanistic thoughts against womens' freedom...
After reaching Kashmiri stomach had started playing orchestra to feed the rats running inside....So i had to gulp some sandwiches and gave a 100 rupee note but he was short of instead i told him to give me one water bottle and rest of the change... n here came the monetry loss of the day...i hurriedly put the change in my purse and scurried away to catch the 7.15 am bus...leaving bottle with him...sob sob....
Rest of the journey had been good....had a nice sleep for next 2 hours..thanx to last night's 4 hrs sleep, the bus's blower and the fog...i wish i could have brought my blanket along...But this time....the bus driver did some nice thing..he stopped the bus at the Haveli in Karnal..instead of their usual stoppage(some restaurent of Punjab transport dept....where an omelette costs Rs 70 and a burger costs Rs 90...)....Though my tummy was full...and rats were at i did't seek any refreshment but it was a nice place to do some quick put them on fb...The Haveli is a nice place with an aroma of Punjab in its its surroundings
Finally reached home after 6 hrs of long journey...had a nice feel to see all the smiling faces of near and dear ones..and then made most of the day with celebrations at home and doing the office work....
Today's blog post is lacking the flow of my disticntive writing style and may seem for that!!
God bless everyone...Adios!
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